Voice Over Work
In addition to sound design and mixing, I am also available for hire as a voice actor. I have been doing VO work over the last several years (and have wanted to pursue it as a career since childhood) but I am now seeking professional representation. So, please let me know if you need me to lend a voice! I'd be happy to help. Above is my current "Character VO" reel and below are just a few examples of past work. Please contact me at matthew.m.schwartz@gmail.com with any questions or opportunities you may have. Or you may book me through my Voices.com page if you prefer.
Past VO Work
(more to come)
Root Armor
(Rob Himebaugh)
This is an ad for a gardening product called Root Armor. I voiced the Gopher! And did the sound mix as well.
Gay Taco Bell
(The Merkin Bros)
This is a Taco Bell FAKE commercial for The Merkin Bros that went HUGELY viral. I did the sound design as well as the ending VO.
Pilsen - Garage Band
(Juli Fernandez)
This is a beer commercial for Pilsen (Peru) that I did the VO for. They directed me to go about as low and slow as I could. This is what we got. They were happy!
Jarthur the Alien
(Tyler Holtman)
An animated series about a friendly alien. I play "The Blob King" in the episode in which Jarthur returns to his home planet. Jump to 3:20 to see my full scene.
Spirit Blossom
(Jeff Cohn)
This is a snippet from a short film I sound designed called 'Spirit Blossom'. I also voiced the female radio reporter in this scene.
Hormel Compleats
(Mike Bernstein)
A Commercial I voiced for Hormel. I played the deep-voiced Hormel box.
Cops on Bikes
(Cameron Clark)
An animated pilot about bike cops who want to be taken seriously. I play the main character "Chuck".
Hippo Chris
(Justin Simien)
An animated series about a hypocritical hippo who learns lessons the hard way. I voiced the main character.