- July 2nd, 2014 -
'Badger's Promise' Premiers at NFF!
Welcome to Mattschwartzsound.com! Here's a film I recently did production audio as well as post sound for that just premiered at the Nantucket Film Festival. It is a short film directed by Harris Wittels and Armen Weitzman (Parks and Rec, The Sarah Silverman Program, Burning Love) and it is hilarious! Both of these guys are busy and talented writers and actors, and this is their directorial debut. Please give it a look and check out this write up that SplitSider did on the two guys and their film. Thank you for visiting!
- June 1st, 2014 -
This Week: Science of Love continues & More!
Welcome to Mattschwartzsound.com! Here is an episode of the lovely (bad pun) webseries that I've been fortunate to sound design for SoulPankake: The Science of Love! SOL explores what makes people fall in love, and essentially how love works. i've done the sound design and mixing for all episodes thus far, as well as the animated title sequence (which was done by the incomprable Cameron Clark). This is the sixth episode. If you like it, and have not seen the rest of the series, check it out HERE, and please subscribe! Thank you!
On another note, there are a LOT of projects i have been working on the last few months that can not be put up on my website. But, for anyone actually reading this, i can TELL YOU ABOUT IT!! I recently finished work (production sound and sound design) on a pilot called Aztec Blood, written by David Mamet (Glengarry Glen Ross, Ronin, etc)! It was directed by his lovely and talented daughter Clara Mamet. I also did an action-comedy pilot, on its way to Comedy Central, currently called The Adventures. I did production and post sound on this as well. It was a SUPER fun shoot with the guys from Radio Silence (VHS, Chad Matt & Rob).
Finally, I am currently working on a feature film for Tyler Shields. Tyler is a well known photographer in Los Angeles who is now making the move into feature films. The film is called Outlaw, and it should be reaching you sometime this year or early next year. I am doing the sound design and 5.1 mix.
With any luck, I will be able to give you some great news on one or all of these projects very soon! Thanks!
P.S. : Oh yeah! I also got to do a narration recording session here at my studio for my dear friend Maddy with her Grandfather...LEONARD NIMOY! It was for a forthcoming documentary called Microwarriors. See below. And...Thank you for visiting!

(Left to Right: Me, Maddy Nimoy, Adam Nimoy, Leonard Nimoy.)
- May 28th, 2014 -
FOD's 'Boy Search' comes to an end.
Welcome to Mattschwartzsound.com! This is the FINAL episode of probably the strangest webseries i have yet to sound design. Created by Funny or Die, Boy Search began as a sketch poking fun at the process of boy-band creation by making the judges three 14 year old girls...and one 30 year old comedian named Armen. But what happened next was unexpected; they actually started to make a real boy band. Though it was only recieved so well compared to the other content surrounding it, I would venture to say it stradled a line of comedy in a way that has probably never been done before. Very interesting stuff. You can check out the whole series HERE. I sound designed the whole thing except for one episode. As always, thank you for visiting!
- May 12th, 2014 -
'Soylent' Promo video was released today!
Welcome to Mattschwartzsound.com! This is a promo video I sound designed for my good friend Jesse Tarnoff over at Glass & Marker. The spot is for a new company that you may have heard of called 'Soylent'. Soylent is a food product (classified as a food, not a supplement, by the FDA) designed for use as a staple meal by all adults. It is the first of its kind in that it is a total meal replacement that you can actually live a healthy life with for as long as you desire. This company is rapidy on the rise, and has created a one of a kind product in a time where food shortage is becoming a real concern. Take a look at their website to learn more. Thanks for visiting!
- April 1st, 2014 -
FOD's "Hart Talk" with Kevin Hart!
(Click image below to watch!)
Here's a branded webseries I sound designed for Funny or Die and CokeZero starring stand-up comedian Kevin Hart (Ride Along). It is part of a multi episode/commercial spot series, and I will be sound designing it all. Check back to see what happens. Thanks for visiting!
- March 2014 -
The Science of LOVE on Soulpancake!
Welcome to Mattschwartzsound.com! Here is another GREAT webseries that I was fortunate to sound design for SoulPankake. Its called the Science of Love and it's essentially a second season of the very well recieved series Science of Happiness. SOL explores what makes people fall in love, and essentially how love works. i've done the sound design and mixing for all episodes thus far, as well as the opening title sequence. This is the first episode. If you like it, and haven't seen the rest of the series, check it out HERE, and please subscribe! Thank you!
- December 31st, 2013 -
Goodbye, 2013! A Recap of the last few months.
(Click images below to watch!)
(Pass: rhonda)
Welcome to Mattschwartzsound.com. It has been a little while since I last updated my site! SOOO much has happened since September. I finished sound mixing/designing 5 episodes of It's All Possible for funny or die, did a viral and commercial campaign for the film ANCHORMAN 2 with Will Ferrel, began (and have nearly completed) sound design on the feature film Opening Night, and much more. But, above all, this year saw the fruition of a MAJOR goal of mine
....the CONSTRUCTION OF MY OWN MIXING STUDIO!!! I could not be more excited to have final made this a reality. It is located in Sherman Oaks, CA, and is fully equipt for all of your sound needs. Anything from a basic web mix to ADR or even 5.1 Surround sound! Thank you to all of my friends and clients for helping make this a reality! Pictures to follow soon. Looking forward to a bigger and better 2014. Cheers!
- September 26th, 2013 -
Science Of Happiness Featured on Upworthy.com!
(Click image below to watch!)
Welcome to Mattschwartzsound.com. The webseries I have been sound designing (Science of Happiness) on was featured on the front page of Upworthy.com! This site is an outlet for great educational and/or thought-provoking work. So, it's really fantastic to see that our series has caught Upworthy's eye, and many more people will see & enjoy it. Please click on the image above to see the article and watch the series. I am proud of my work on this, as well as the excellent team involved. Enjoy!
- September 20th, 2013 -
What Makes you Happy? Check out SOH episode 5!
Welcome to Mattschwartzsound.com! Here is another GREAT episode of The Science of Happiness: a SoulPankake webseries that explores what makes people happy and why! i've done the sound design and mixing for all episodes as well as the opening title sequence. This is the fifth of seven episodes. So if you like it, and haven't seen the rest of the series, check them out HERE, and please subscribe! Thank you!
- September 3rd 2013 -
It's All Possible! with Dave Franco & Chris Mintz-Plasse
(Click image below to watch!)
Here's a hilarious promo I sound designed for a Travelog Webseries that will be starring Dave Franco (21 jump Street, Now You See Me) and Christopher Mintz-Plasse (Superbad) on a road trip across the US! They embark on a quest to acheive everything they ever wanted to do & prove it's all possible; including skydiving, breaking a Guiness World Record, teaching a college class, and more! And: Its all part of a rebranding campaign for LG. Im told this has never been done before. Check back to see what happens! Thanks for visiting.
- September 1st, 2013 -
Behind the scenes of the new Doc: Teach!
Here's a behind the scenes (EPK) shoot I did for Davis Guggenheim (Waiting for Superman, An Inconvenient Truth)'s new Documentary about what it means to be a teacher. I was resposible for the production sound. It was great to meet him, and get a glimpse into what it was like to film these four amazing teachers for a full year! Check it out September 6th, 2013 on CBS! Thanks!
- August 2013 -
New Funny or Die spots...on the New
FOD Website!
(Click images below to watch!)
Here are a couple of the Funny or Die spots i have worked on in the month of August; for Under Armour and Fiat! They are currently up, and doing well, on the newly-designed FOD website. Check it out! I have been doing production sound on an upcoming feature called OPENING NIGHT (dir. Jack Robbins), so these posts have been slightly less frequent. However, I still stand by my work (especially the video on the right), and hope you'll check it out. Thanks for stopping by! Please contact me with any questions, or if youd like to see additional work.
- July 11th, 2013 -
Science of Happiness on SOULPANCAKE!
New content for ya'! I haven't posted anything in a while, as I've been on a bunch of projects lately (features, webseries) that have a delayed release. Here is a GREAT webseries that my good friend Mike Bernstein directed for Soul Pancake called The Science of Happiness. It takes a light-hearted look at what makes people happy and why. i did the sound design and mixing for all episodes as well as the opening title sequence. This is the first of SIX episodes. So, if you like it, please subscribe! Thank you!
***EDIT(8/21/13): Our series has now been featured on Huffington post! What a great honor! So proud of Mike Bernstein and the rest of the Crew!***
- June 1st, 2013 -
Norelco"Units Unit" w/ Adam DeVine!
(Click image below to watch!)
Here is the first of three FOD spots for Norelco featuring ADAM DeVINE (Workaholics)! I did the Sound mix and Design for this one. Enjoy. Thanks for visiting!
- May 21st, 2013 -
The CHAIN: Episodes 1-5 are up!
Here is another documentary series on which i did all sound design (Not Prouction Sound). "The Chain" is a wonderful documentary series about how one altruistic kidney donor can assure that many others will get the transplant they need to save their lives. I am so happy i got to do this project with the awesome people that work at Take Part Media. Thanks Adam Trunell for giving me this great series.
- May 1st, 2013 -
"Let's Get Sexy" with Craig Robinson
(Click image below to watch!)
Though I have been focused mainly on sound designing short films and a feature film (SHARP) lately, another great FOD spot has come down the pipeline. This one features Craig Robinson (Knocked up, Pineapple Express, Etc) singing and playing piano...and WELL! I did the Sound mix and Design for this one. Enjoy. Thanks for visiting!
- April 27th, 2013 -
'SHARP' Premieres today!
(Click image below to learn more)
A feature film I recently did production sound on, sound designed, sound edited, and mixed in 5.1 surround sound was screened today! Sharp was a great opportunity for me to work on a long-form narrative...which I love more than almost anything else...except maybe animation. Director Nick Conedera put together a solid film, and an excellent screening. I am truly proud of my work and that of my friends on this project. Click the photo to learn more about the film. Thank you!
- April 10th, 2013 -
Hilarity for Charity!
(Click image below to watch!)
This is EASILY one of the funniest Funny or Die spots I have been fortunate to post production sound on. And it's for charity!!! Check out this great sketch for Hilarity for Charity, an organization Started by Seth Rogen to raise money for the Alzheimers Association.
- March 21st, 2013 -
STARMAKER goes to...Michigan?!
Starmaker continues! The crew, Meghan, and myself were sent to Michigan to shoot two episodes (10 & 11) for the show. Meghan went back home to Harrison Township, MI, where she visited her hilarious family and tryed to stay on track with her training for the 5K. Need proof? Check us out on the FOX 2 MORNING NEWS!!!
- March 7th, 2013 -
'Much Ado' Trailer Released!
Finally! It's here! Today, the trailer was released for Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing! I was VERY luck to have worked on this film (Production Sound), with its wonderfully talented cast, crew, and the incomparable Joss Whedon. I am SURE it will be worth checking out, so please go see it when it is released on June 7th, 2013. Thanks! Check out the trailer above.
- February 8th, 2013 -
Check out STARMAKER episode 4 of 13!
Meghan Tonjes' story continues with episode 4 of Youtube Starmaker on 3V. The series will only get better from here as we have a lot of cool things planned (and unplanned) for the remaining 9 episodes. I worked on/will be doing the production sound as well as post-production sound design on the whole series. Check it out! Thanks!
- February 3th, 2013 -
Pepsi NEXT Superbowl ad beats Coke commercial in views!
This Pepsi NEXT ad I sound designed, which was a spoof on a Coca Cola superbowl ad, actually SURPASSED the Coke ad in views. Crazy! It did not actually make it on TV that day, but it's an achievement for them anyhow i guess. Check it out! Thanks!
- January 18th, 2013 -
Youtube STARMAKER episode 1 is up today!
Meet Meghan Tonjes! She is a talented singer/songwriter who is embarking on a journey to get healthy and get more serious about her music. This is the first of 13 episodes tracking her journey. I worked on/will be doing the production sound as well as post-production sound design on the whole series. Check it out!
- January 2013 -
New FOD work ft. the cast of Book of Mormon!
Here's another funny or die sketch I sound designed. Book Of Mormon/NBC stars Andrew Rannells (The New Normal) & Josh Gad (1600 Penn) find out they have a lot in common. Maybe a little too much. This video has reached "Immortal" status on Funny or Die!
- December 2012 -
Captain Planet with Don Cheadle is on FOD!
More work of mine for Funny or Die is up now! Don Cheadle is back as Captain Planet in these Funny or Die sketches. Click on the above images to see episodes 3 and 4 of this comedy sketch series. If you haven't seen the original, which I did not work on, check that out too.
- November 13th, 2012 -
Kobe|Mission Web Series Launched!
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 13, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- TakePart TV, the new impact-driven channel recently launched by Participant Media, has partnered with NBA superstar Kobe Bryant to create a five-part video web series focusing on the homeless problem in Los Angeles. I did the sound design for the whole series.
- October 25th, 2012 -
'Heathens and Thieves' Gets Distribution!
A WONDERFUL feature I sound designed (The very first, in fact) with my good friend Cody Peterson just got an awesome distribution deal! It's now available on Amazon, Itunes, Xbox live, Google video, and most on-demand outlets. I'm very proud of the whole team involved. It was a great experience. Please check it out!
- October 1st, 2012 -
"Tom Brady's Wicked Accent"
Over one million views on Funny or Die!
(Click image below to watch!)
Take a look at this Funny or Die Sketch I did featuring New England Patriot's QB Tom Brady. It has done pretty well on their website as well as virally.